gallurese soup
Gallurese soup, as the name suggests, is a typical soup from the Gallura region.
It has peasant origins and used to be considered a poor dish, but we promise it’s delicious! To prepare it you’ll need two different cheeses – panedda and gran campidano – along with stale bread; the result is a main course that is rich and tasty, more reminiscent of a lasagne than of a soup.
If you love traditional Sardinian cuisine and want to bring all the flavours and aromas of this amazing island to your table, prepare gallurese soup by following this recipe.

To make a delicious gallurese soup, first prepare the meat stock using a mixture of sheep and lamb together with seasoning (celery, carrot and onion).
Grate the gran Campidano and panedda into a bowl, add pepper, mix and set aside.
Cut the stale semolina bread into thick slices (around 1 cm), line them on a baking dish, then add a layer of cheese and then another of bread. Continue to add layers like this until you have 4 layers of bread.
Using a fork, make small holes in the top layer of bread, then slowly pour the stock onto it. When you have used all the stock, add one last layer of cheese.
Pre-heat the oven to 200° and bake the gallurese soup for around 30 minutes. When the stock has evaporated and a golden crust has formed on the surface, take your gallurese soup out of the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

Gran Campidano
For the recipe:
- Stale semolina bread 270 g
- Gran Campidano 260 g
- Panedda 300 g
- Meat stock 1 l
- Black pepper as required
For the stock:
- Sheep and lamb meat 500 g
- Celery 1 stick
- Onion 1
- Carrot 1
- Saltas required
- Pepperas required