
Culurgiones all’Ogliastrina

Culurgiones all’Ogliastrina


Culurgiones all’ogliastrina is a pasta recipe that is typical of Sardinia’s Ogliastra region.

A kind of dumpling filled with potatoes and mint and enriched with delicious Sardinian pecorino, they are easily recognised because they are shaped like an ear of wheat (“spighitta” in the Sardinian language). The main difficulty when preparing this pasta is, in fact, closing the pastry to give them their characteristic shape. However, practice is all you need to achieve great results.

If you want to bring a delicious plate of culurgiones all’ogliastrina to your table, just follow the recipe below.


The first step in making culurgiones all’ogliastrina is to prepare the filling. Wash the potatoes in their skin, boil them in plenty of salted water, then peel and mash them. Put them in a bowl, add the oil, chopped mint leaves, chopped garlic and 100g of grated pecorino. Mix everything to combine the ingredients. Once this is done, leave in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Prepare the dough by mixing the two types of flour, salt and lard in a bowl, and gradually adding lukewarm water. When you get a smooth, firm and stretchy dough move it to a container, cover it with film and let it rest for around 30 minutes.


Next, take the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to obtain a thin pastry. Work with a little dough at a time to prevent it drying out. Cut the pastry into discs around 9 cm in diameter.


Take one disc with your left hand, fold it a little and place a bit of filling in the middle, using your finger to distribute it evenly. Now pinch one of the far ends with your right hand, folding just on the inside. Repeat until you have closed the entire disc, which will acquire the shape of an ear of wheat.


When all the culurgiones are ready, boil them in plenty of salted water. While they are cooking, put a saucepan on the hob with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and some cubes of knife-cut beef. Sauté with tomato sauce, then add salt, pepper and basil leaves to season your sauce, and cook on a medium heat for 10-15 minutes.


Once ready, drain the culurgiones carefully and dry them with a clean kitchen towel.


Line them on a plate and serve them with the sauce and grated pecorino cheese. Or, if you prefer, simply serve them with pecorino alone.

Monreale Pecorino



For the dough:

  • Whole wheat semolina flour 250 g
  • 0 Flour 250 g
  • Lard 1 tbsp
  • Water 150 ml
  • Saltas required

For the filling:

  • Potatoes 500 g
  • Monreale Fattorie Girau pecorino 100 g
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Extra virgin olive oil 40 ml
  • Fresh mint as required
  • Saltas required
  • Pepperas required

For the sauce:

  • Tomato sauce 500 ml
  • Knife-cut beef 100 g
  • Extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp
  • Basil leaves
  • Pecorino Monreale Fattorie Girau 30 g
  • Saltas required
  • Pepperas required


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